Saturday, 31 March 2018

Dangerous of Riya' ...

Jangan menipu Allah.Begitu makna sebuah nasihat Rasulullah SAW.Seorang sahabat pernah menanyakan bagaimana manusia boleh menipu Allah? Rasulullah menjelaskan :
'Kau mengerjakan amal yang diperintahkan oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya namun kau menginginkan selain Allah.Takutlah kepada riya'.Sesungguhnya riak adalah syirik kecil.Dan sesungguhnya orang yg riak akan dipanggil di hari kiamat di hadapan para makhluk dengan empat nama : Hai orang yang riya'.Hai orang yg mengkhianati janji.Hai orang yang larut dalam kemaksiatan.Hai orang yang kerugian.Telah rosak amalmu dan hilang pahalamu.Tidak ada pahala kamu di sisi Kami.Pergilah.Ambil upahmu daripada orang yang kau beribadat kerana dia.
...Read about this hadith?Me too...I hope that  my loyal reader always get benefit from my writing mode.Thank you very much for reading my blog about many topics since my student era until now...About family but not overly doing personal branding, friendship,sunshine,honesty,hobbies, books,decoration,fashion,film,music and etc...I'm not working with automative line anymore but the spirit ,passion and dedication still same...For Jobstreet team , thank you very much for your trust towards my working skills with my own feet...At least I already know your perception towards my working skills,experience and personality that suit with real working environment.Have a great weekend always.My viewing mode for this week about Dewi Sandra as a model for
 Indonesia Fashion Week at Jakarta Convention Centre for Wardah × Dian Pelangi and she's one of finalist for Actress of The Year for Indonesian Choice Awards...I just mention few of film that I know...Anyway, we always remember Dewi for her passion towards her work as an actress,singer,model,ambassador,host, businesswoman, wifey,fluent in English,kind hearted,charity and religious activity that she joined,her speed while talking and her energy etc and the way she bring herself for the audience.Win or lose for this battle...We always remember you.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Beautiful face is everywhere but beautiful heart is rare ...

Like the topic?Like like like or scared scared scared ...Hehehe...It's raining here before I update my blog by today...I always appreciate beautiful things in life.Beautiful is subjective depends on the eyes that see you :) .Some people will say fair skin is beautiful .Some people will say tanned skin is beautiful.Not look gloomy.So beautiful things must came with good behavior and brain so that no bimbo word label for us by people.Faster.Yeah,that's for sure.I hope that loyal reader have a beautiful life always.Stay happy in the good way always and may our Creator bless us always.For girls and ladies that become the customers and thanking to me with thanks darlings...Thank you very much okkk...Your happiness is my happiness too...For parents,brother and sister of family that love to read my blog,thank you very much too...I already met my close family too by this week ...With that,alhamdulillah...Hope beautiful rainbow always colouring your beautiful life,my loyal reader.Enjoy your hobby with your family and good friends always and still socializing in the good way always.Have a great day always.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

The journey...

I joined the beach activity for this weekend and have another good moment with them.So,how 's your weekend?I hope you always happy in daily life.Owh  update my blog while listen to Panama Dance,Nona Nona Zaman Sekarang latest version and As We Go Now .Ladies,you may practice the step for exercise mode in your house if you want.Ala,latest trend in the nice way should be fine kan.And let's always socializing in the good way.Always.It's quite funny although my physical not in Selangor and KL,when I wanna buy small thing like ice cream,Apek of Ice Cream with his motorcycle at the beach ask me,buy 3?Hehehe...Anyway,thank you very much...Sedap aiskrim itu.Life is beautiful when we appreciate people,sincere each other and happy always.To those that always waiting my blogging post,thank you very much.Speechless.

Poem for My Own Dad

Dear  Dad, Remember you is easy Everyday The precious moment that I had with you Definitely another moment to remember  I love you forever  ...