Saturday, 24 February 2024

Have a blessed Nisfu Syaaban✨️

 Have a blessed Nisfu Syaaban for you , family and friends.In Islam , Prophet Muhammad SAW taught and encouraged us to always strive for Allah SAT'S acceptance and love.From narrated by Imam At-Tabrani: Indeed , your Lord bestows gifts that are preserved in your days , and so seek it.It may be that one  of you will fate upon it and will , therefore , never again be in misery.

These times include the month of Ramadhan , the day of Arafay , the last third of every night and the blessed time of fulfillment (Waqt Al-Istijabah) on Friday.In this situation , it is the month of Sha'ban , where our deeds are raised to Allah SWT and particularly on the 15th of Shaaban as mentioned once.

Five nights where prayers are not rejected therein: The Night of Friday (Thursday night), The First Night of Rehabilitation, The Night of Nisfu Sha'ban(tonight) , The Nights of Wid-The First Nights of Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Aidiladha as narrated by Imam Al -Bayhaqi.

Let's focus with the valued activities from solat until recite Quran for Nisfu Syaaban as well and may Allah SWT bless all of us always.

Friday, 23 February 2024

Donate for Gaza only for the trusted platform and my full support for Canada, Australia & New Zealand regarding Humanitarian Ceasefire at Palestine πŸ’“πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺ

My full support towards the decision by Canada,Australia & New Zealand call for immediate humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza ahead of Rafah assault , according to a joint statement released in response to reports about Israel's planned military operation in Rafah.

My full support also goes to the Official Instagram of Let's Talk Palestine when they introduce a new strategy to effectively fundraise people in Gaza.One link.If you help turn spread this information, people in Gaza can be prioritized at their turn to effectively funnel in the money to help them reach their targets rather than having uneven distribution that prevents most of them from reaching their targets.This is the band-aid fix.Without an immediate Ceasefire and pressuring Western governments to reinstate @unrwa funding and force the Israeli apartheid regime to let in aid unconditionally , the overwhelming majority of people in Gaza will not have access to their basic needs.

People in Gaza need urgent funds for various reasons such as medical care , food or other items necessary for survival in the face of this genocide.

Be careful with certain campaigns to help evacuate them through Egypt.The evacuation cost are high due to certain  corrupt Egyptian platform who charge thousands of dollars for personal profit to permit someone to cross the border of Rafah.For many people , evacuation is the deciding factor between life and death especially if they need urgent life saving medical care.

You can donate through and donate it as widely as possible and take careπŸ’“

Little Einstein Montessori Pre School , Appreciation post for my own Parents and my own Dad with his expectation.

After I met my own parents requirements to have the capabilities for Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the World Class University, Oxford University , United Kingdom on 2019 almost 4 years ago,  another passion about education from my own Dad definitely about Little Einstein Montessori Pre School (The Elite School that available at United States and Shah Alam , Selangor Darul Ehsan as well) and he ask me to submit my application as the Professional Teacher and Educator for this school on 2023.My parents always know that I'm not the Wannabe to any person since day 1 because of my integrity and dignity.

Little Einstein's Montessori Pre School of United States began in 2013 with the vision of providing a  nurturing and stimulating learning environments for young children that are child-centered and based  on the multiple intelligence framework of Dr Howard Gardner,a well renowned cognitive psychologist from Harvard University , United States.The program is based on the Montessori philosophy  of education , which values the development of the whole child intellectually, socially , emotional and physically.The MI approach , which is currently being implemented in the United States and other countries is truly responsive to the need of the 21st Century.This framework prepare the child to be creative and critical divergent as well.

The mission is to provide a prepared environment based on Montesori principles where children can develop intellectually , socially , emotionally and physically.

Little Einstein Montessori education offers a broad vision of education as an aid to life.This method success because it draws on the natural development of the child.Each child's inner directives are guided towards wholesome growth.The freedom of choice (not the wild ones) inherent within the prepared classroom environment promotes a lifelong love of learning in the child.

Little Einsteins offers the Preschool ,Nursery and Kindergatten programs that will prepare the child for regular school and lay a solid foundation for his future.These programs introduce the child to the joy of learning in the initial years of their life and will help them in their all-round growth and shape their personality .

The main objective is to facilitate a smooth transition from pre-school to primary school.Importance is laid in activities that promote child development and right atmosphere like digital diary for parents communication, physical development, mindfulness and Wellness, social and emotional development, reasoning logical and critical thinking , literacy , communication skill development, cultural awareness and diversity, focus on STEM for cognitive development  and multi format learning .

Little Einsteen is nurturing and safe atmosphere where they can develop into confident lifelong learners.Bilingual Education also available for this school.Why Spanish? Por Que Espanol ? Give your child the lifetime boost of knowing the next  languange.According to the US Census, 1 in 5 US residents speak a foreign languange at home although most of them speak English well.Spanish is widely known as the non English languange spoken in the United States.Little Einstein Mostessori provides a unique window into this languange and it's cultures.

Why choose Little Einstein?

1.Teacher Training by Pediatric Experts: We don't just teach , we nurture

2.Personalized Learning Experiencd: Unlock your child's full potential

3.Monitoring by Medical & Therapeutic Experts: Your child's development, our priority

4.Teach Savvy Curriculum: STEM & Robotics integrated to make your child future-ready.

The future starts now from Little Einstein: Where Your Child's Journey to Excellence Begins.Exclusive offers available if you enroll now and get 20% off for the first month and free trial class available.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Will you Free My Palestine πŸ’“πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺ?

 I'm not celebrate the Valentine as always because of my faith as a Muslim and as a single person as well.However , I still help my team at workplace for the Decoration of Valentine for Non Muslim customers once.Will you Free My Palestine? Watching this young child, demonstrating wisdom beyond her years, eyes that told a story of genocide, yet resigned to accept a lot she has been served without surrender.

This young child spoke volumes for the unrelenting, collective spirit we are witnessing amongst the Palestinians.

It is a lesson to us all who are not living this nightmare to be grateful, but more importantly, to do something better with our lives. Be Better!

If you advocate for TRUTH & JUSTICE,repost  to spread the knowledge.

Save Rafah. Save Gaza. Save Palestine. CEASEFIRE NOW. At this rate, Aotearoa is complicit in the Genocide and the World need to act.

Saturday, 10 February 2024

Happy Chinese New Year

 Happy Chinese New Year to my own professional rapport , my own Ainearest wherever you are in this world & local ones until my schoolmate.May this new year bring  more luck , happiness and peace for you , family & good friends.

Chinese New Year is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture and strongly influenced Lunar New Year celebrations of variety of ethnic group such as at Tibet , China's neighbour include Korean and Viatnamese New Years as well as in Okinawa.It is also celebrated worldwide in regions and countries that house significant Overseas Chinese or Sinophone populations especially in Southest Asia from Singapore until Malaysia.

The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs.The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors.Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely and the evening preceding the New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion  for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Welcoming Isra Mikraj with happy heartπŸ’“

Isra and Mikraj is the event remembering the night that Allah  took Prophet Muhammad SAW from Mecca to Jerusalem before ascending to heaven.The celebration of Israk and Mikraj falls on the 27th day of seventh month, Rejab in the Islamic Calendar.

Mikraj is the journey from Masjid Al-Aqsa to the heavens.It was when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was first given the 5 prescribed daily prayers.He also led the other Prophet Muhammad SWT in prayer and met some of the.Many extraordinary sights were witnessed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW on this journey.

Night of Mikraj made by Prophet Muhammad SAW from  the Great Mosque in Mecca to Jurusalem on a wi ged horsslike creature known as Buraq followed by Muhammad's ascension into heaven.Briefly mentioned in the Quran (17:1) but known primarily through hadith.

Within Islam, the majority of scholars agree that the journey was both a physical and spiritual one's.Surah Al Isra' from the 17th Surah (Chapter) of Al Quran mention about the story of Isra Mikraj while details of the story are found in the hadith (the later collections of the reports , teachings , deeds and saying of Prophet Muhammad SAW).

In the Isra'(Night Journey), Muhammad is said to have traveled on the back of Buraq (a winged horse like animal) to Al Aqsa (The Temple Mount) where he led other Prophets including Ibrahim , Musa & Isa in prayer.

May Allah SWT bless our kindness and accept our kindness in the right way always.

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Do not purchase Kurma from the brand of Israel

 I agree that Kurma (Date)  is not just a food for breaking fast.The Almetarius Codex Commission has defined dates as products made from palm trees.Palm trees are among the oldest plants grown by humans and their fruits have been used as food in ancient times especially in West Asian countries .In the Quran , dates are mentioned twenty times, of which eight are mentioned separately and twelve are mentioned  together with other fruits such as pomegranates, grapes and olive oil.Ib the food industry , dates can be processed into various types of food products including jam , candy , concentrated juices , jelly , oranges and syrup.

In addition , dates also very popular in the manufacture of bread , chocolate, biscuits and can be a core product that can be mixed with coconut and vinegar.However , palm oil and dates coffee are a by-product of dates that can be made from dates.

The best food of a believer's vegetable is palm.(Hadith Sunah Abu Dawud).Scientific studies shown fhar most of the dates is sugar which is from 50% .The simple sugars in dates include glucose, fructose, mannose, maltose, rhaminose and sucrose which are easy to use for rapid energy generation in the human body.

Sugar content in dates depends on the type of dates and naturity but it is generally higher than pomegranates and pineapple.Therefore , the absorption of date sugar in the human body is very fast between 30 & 45 minutes compared to rice which tames about less than 5 hours to digest.So, breaking the fast with the dates can provide immediate energy to the human body while also preventing fatigue.

Consuming dates in your daily diet also prevent constipation, heart disease and lower bad cholesterol. The dates contain a percentage of insoluble fiber and a water content of between 10 and 20%.

Insoluble fiber is very important to aid in the movement of impurities in the human digestive system and can prevent constipation.While, water-soluble fibre is important for preventing heart-disease and preventing the increase of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Scientific studies have shown that dates can prevent anemia, a disease of red blood cells to iron deficiency in foods.Dates contain high iron which is good for people with anemia.The dates also considered a practical supplement for those with iron deficiency as they do not show side effects such as nausea, headache or constipation as they do with iron tablets.Dates are good for pregnant women as well because dates also contain potassium minerals and calcium .

Although dates are not a good source of protein , they contain all types of amino acids.The content of proline amino acids, aspartic acids , alanine, glycine , valves and leucine is higher than tgar of other amino acids.All of these nutrients support the need for pregnant women to provide adequate nutrients to the mother and baby.

Conclusion, dates provide many health benefits to human.The dates should not be seasonal foods that are taken during the holidays and fasting during the month of Ramadhan.The nutrient content of dates depends on the type of date and the level of maturity.However, as smart consumers, daily intake of dates should be modest so that health benefits can be maximized.Kindly proceed to boycott any brand dates (Kurma) from Israel for our continuous support towards Palestine, humanity and demanding for the end of Genocide.

Poem for My Own Dad

Dear  Dad, Remember you is easy Everyday The precious moment that I had with you Definitely another moment to remember  I love you forever  ...