Monday, 1 May 2023

Happy for you,American Muslim💓

No.I'm not a Political Blogger and I'm not a Political Podcaster.However,I'm truly happy for American Muslim for such the great news that can eliminate the bad perception towards Islam because we know that you are not the Radical Muslim.

Gov. Phil Murphy signed a proclamation Saturday designating January as Muslim Heritage Month in a measure that advocates say will promote appreciation and awareness about Muslim traditions and contributions.

Community and faith leaders , who have rallied for the designation for several years ,  hailed the signing as a historic moment.

A joint resolution in favor of Muslim Heritage Month got unanimous support from lawmakers before it was sent to the governor.The State Assembly passed the resolution in March and the Senate did the same in February.The resolution asks Murphy to issue a proclamation each year calling upon local government agencies and interested organisations to observe the month with ceremonies, activities and educational programs.

A coalition of 70 organisations, schools and mosques supported the state resolution for Social Justice and the Muslim League Voters of New Jersey , among others.

Murphy signed the proclamation at Drumthwacket , the governor's official residence during a celebration for the Eid Al Fitr holiday that marks the end of Ramadhan, the Muslim month of fasting.

Murphy said that he proud to designate January of each year as Muslim Heritage Month as it will shine a light on the histories, cultures and similar principles of Muslim Americans.New Jersey takes great pride in its diversity and we will continue to recognize and celebrate the positive impact Muslim have made , and continue to make, to the advancement of this state.

The governor's Eid gathering drew Muslim community leaders, clergy and elected officials from across the state.This year, they were jubilant over the news of Muslim Heritage Month.

For too long, we've seen damaging and irresponsible depictions of Muslim, said Selaedin Maksut, Executive Director of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American -Islamic Relations.These narrative have tangible consequences , but now, we will be seeing the counter and hopefully soon, prevailing narrative.One that highlights, celebrates and acknowledges the American Muslim community in New Jersey.

Again, happy for you , American Muslim and have a great day ahead for you and your family 💓

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