Saturday, 25 November 2023

Muslim & Christian live with peace at Palestine before the occupation of Israel on 1948.

Before the occupation of Israel towards the land of Palestine on 1948, the Muslim & Christian live with peace at Palestine and they are free to implement their own religion at Palestine with peace.

Since 7 October 2023, Israeli forces operating in the occupied West Bank have killed at least 229 Palestinians including dozens of children , injured over 2850 others, detained avast 3, 035 aestinians and arrested at least 39 journalist.

Palestinian towns and villages in the occupied West Bank witness daily raids and incursions by Israeli forces , often accompanied by fatal clashes, arrests, destruction of infrastructure and the firing of live and rubber bullets.

Arbitrary arrests are carried out during night raids on Palestinians homes or at military checkpoints , which litter the occupied territory.

Oftentimes, Israel detains family members of Palestinian that they want to arrest as hostages to pressure them to surrender themselves.

Since Israel began occupying the West Bank in 1967, illegal statements have cropped all over the occupied territory , where some 700, 000 illegal settlers now live among 3 million Palestinians.

Palestinians are increasingly being harrased by settlers , who block roads , steal livestock and sabotage water tanks and wells in efforts to drive residents away from their land and homes.

According to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, illegal settlers often disguise themselves in military uniforms and carry firearms provided by the Israeli government to threaten and arrest Palestinians.

What we should do?

Maintain our good faith , prayer , infaq and volunteer work for Palestine & Palestine people and maintain with our principle, integrity and dignity to boycott Israel product as the reflection that we never support company and brand that support genocide and not implement humanity as well.Take care.

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