Sunday, 31 March 2024

The value of any ladies and girls not determine by your life partner.

I proceed with this topic as per request by my own Ainearest that wanna know about my opinion regarding this topic.Yes.In my opinion, the value of any ladies and girls not determine by their life partner.You are responsible to decide what are good for you.Your own reputation, skills , expertise and testimonial belongs  to you .

I'm not agree if you decrease your value to pleasing the people .You are worthwhile for those that deserve you and appreciate you in all situation.I'm not giving any chance and free publicity for people that not deserve my attention and my skills.No,I'm not.

I hope that you always know about your value and worthwhile.And , you always know who are sincere with you and who are opportunist that only wanna take you for granted.

I never care if I'm single forever until I die and live my life with my own family with the kids in da house  rather than wasting my time to people that not deserve of my big heart , my loyalty, my own family and my my own skills.

Great  in negotiation doesn't means that you can tolerate certain value that related with integrity and dignity as a human being .

I 'm not the adult that wanna ruin the dream of young girls regarding their ambition for their field through my word and implementation as long as you are stay nice and maintain with good ethic, attitude , integrity & dignity as always and forever.With Allah SWT , anything is possible .

I never assign any people to talking on behalf of me and it remains forever.I'm the private person as always and forever for certain topic regarding my personal life.I always informed my own family regarding every movement by me once upon  a time , now & forever.

Thank you very much to my own Ainearest regardless age , religion , background & status because no need for me to talk about same things again & again.To stay relevant until now as a single person with my own feet with the sincere Prayer from my own parents  for internationally and locally definitely another achievement for me and I always appreciate my own professional rapport.

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